Bamboo Bowl
Store Design by Ielo Design
Food presentation experience by Eason Chow

Explorations of the act of Reveal
1. "Fading"
One form of presentation can be represented with the soft reveal from nothing, to a faint shadow up to the final reveal. This gradient of reveal is subtle yet refined that preps the diners on how food is served. An analogy of how food is slowly created with attention to details.

Explorations of the act of Reveal
2. "Panning"
Taking inspirations from movie cinematography, the process of revealing when the subject (food) is brought closer to focus, meant to stir up the anticipation of the diners. Using elements like dry ice can accentuate the revealing factor.

Explorations of the act of Reveal
Chosen Concept
3. "Turning to see"
Creating a balance for diner's anticipation, store's minimalist intent and the mastery of reveal. The idea of a revealing turntable effectively expresses the blank slate whilst waiting and reveal when turned. A soft aura lighting is introduced to create a luxurious curtain of light over the food prepared and ready to be presented to the diners.

Food Capsule proposed layout by Ielo Design

Food capsule 8 prompting food is ready for collection.

Frontal view of food capsule design

Photo Credits: Ileo Design & Shout.sg