Case study: Logitech MX Master Mouse / Part of the design team. 
Project & Video credits to Logitech & Designpartners. 

Corporate projects cover a broad range of design services, from product design to brand refreshers, new product development and to remastering user interface/experience.  Depending on the scale of the project, Eason can reach out to his wide network of contacts to orchestrate a team to handle complex projects. Alternatively, Eason's versatility to work with various product/design teams has allowed him to work on many big projects as shown in his portfolio.

Eason has a extensive range of portfolio in developing products for big brands both individually and working in teams. With a proper understanding of how products are created, Eason has develop a spread of tools e.g. 3d printers, laser cutter, CNC machining, hardware coders/programmers, focus group sessions/user interviews and more. These components help addresses quick fire iteration and quick evaluative prototypes that compliment the fast paced product development environment. Enabling him to be equally competitive to what design agencies can offer or probably better.

Eason has been very active on innovation in the healthcare space in Singapore. Honing his skills from projects developed in KEIO NUS CUTE Centre. He has worked on a wide spectrum of projects from medical instrument innovation to medical simulation to digitalised solution of medicine/therapy. These projects are co-developed ​​​​​​​with collaborators from National University Hospital to nursing homes like AWWA & Econ Healthcare.

Who says that corporate clients are conservative and boring? In the recent years, Eason has worked with great innovation teams to create disruptive innovations within a highly competitive and safe business environment. The key is in the team and the well-paced and delegated roles. As a designer, researcher and strategist, Eason has the key skills to spearhead innovations which challenge the norms in today's business with a well justified user centric process.